
Thursday, June 2, 2011

what's wrong?

see my busuk face.hahaha
ok now is 2.13a.m and Im here blogging *foreveralone*

Having food poisoning AGAIN yesterday night.Extremely headache till I cried...what's wrong?I really don't know.I hope mummy is right beside me,she can always console me and tell me what to do...

Quickly ate calcium and Vitamin C,hope can cure my killing headache,I forced myself to sleep though it was so hard to sleep.I keep sweating cold omg

And after I woke up,it was already 1.15a.m
thanks god my headache gone.
Felt so glad deep down from my heart =)

I just want to record this,in this special midnight,or should be morning?lol whatever.

I think I won't forget forever?
It was so comfortable to stay alone with you,really.

long time no see,
my happiness smile =)

Aunty,don't be emo and sad.Or I will bite you oh!

song of the day

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