
Thursday, June 2, 2011

10 simple things about me ^^

Old pic.Cuter that time?emm...

Trying to puck out some interesting event to write but phailed. too bored.Should get something exciting to do eh?
In process now,wait me k?><

Been having some random or unusual thoughts on my mind...
So,now Im trying to jot them down so I can more understand myself...emm...rite?hahaha

1.Im a girl who love KOREA DRAMA
ok well,I know this is normal,many girls out there love much more then me.Anyway I just want to say that,I will really chase my favourite KD from midnight till morning,I promised.*must be my fav actress drama*
Recently I am totally addicted to this drama
对我说谎试试 (idk the English name)
I know im insane enough coz I downloaded all the romantic max kiss scene*blush*
call me weirdo or silly whateva!hahaha

2.I will definitely listen a single song the whole day,or maybe the whole week,whole month?
Until I really feel like vomiting!hahahahahaha
This condition normally happen to the songs in my KD.

3.wanna touched me and see me burns into tears?
I really don't know why but I just too easy to feel touched.That's why every time I watched KD sure I cry like a baby!hahaha *gila*       
When I saw my frens cry,I tell you,99% I will cry too,for sure.
Or in another situation,friends luring his/her feel,he/she didnt cry at all,but I started to wet my eye...OMG.

4.I love reading,but I hate study.
emm,I have not much comment for this one.
Just to mention

5.My stomach is not human stomach,it maybe is an elephant stomach.
Why?You should know,I almost every time felt hungry.Hungry here hungry there.
No wonder I can never slim down since I shouted "I want diet!!!" for years...

6.I hate medicine,but it sustain my life.
So what to do?
Hope one day I can get rid of those "alien candy"

7.I love fashion and money.
That's why I will be super sensitive on people's attire.
And I always rolling in fashion website such as
I always think of how to earn money coz my desire all too much!TEEHEE

8.The memory cell in my brain are dead or denatured.idk.They are like not functioning.
I always forget this forget that until I hate myself max =(
forget eat medicine,
forget do assignment,
forget call back people,
forget important meeting,
forget to bring wallet...

9.Im the blur-est queen in this world,I swear.
No need much explain on this,you should know that I will always do sth silly or lebih or whateva,hate also.
ok la,I don't know I have exam and I didnt go.
I wash my clothes without putting in laundry concentrate.
and anything you can or cannot imagine,I will show you.
save me please.

10.I have my secret.
I won't tell anyone NOW. =P
edited by me =D

I love you all,my readers! <3

see ya!

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