
Thursday, June 23, 2011


Sleepyyyyyy butt now!
haha however I will insomnia for sure if I didnt update my blog by ya tonight!
As promise to update once I have free time,that is,I guess,right now.haha
actually was having QS test today and SWC general meeting...
OK,forget this!

Let's see the National Convention last week!
Imagine 30,000 people in one stadium...=D
passionate one.
Thailand Diamond.
Japan Double Crown Ambassadar,Nagakima sang!
Brought to you by Dong Yu Chen.

with Kareen.

It is over!with joy =D

The next day.
Came back from Puchong all alone.
Enjoy the atmosphere of city?haha
Please ignore my super tiring and ugly face.
SEE!KLCC yo hahahaha

Here are the Tarcian Gathering Photos.
spot me?haha

Love this picture because it was really natural hahahaha
the thing is MY NOSE IS Soooooo OBVIOUS!!! =D

Craziest man of all XD


Stay tuned!<3

song of the day

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