
Saturday, June 11, 2011

mood pops at night

Blogging mood ON only at nights.
Actually I am doing nothing the whole day.I just sleep and eat.OMG
But I didnt update my blog coz mood never come.haha
I didnt study as I supposed to.
I am a failed student.

ok I promised to tell you all the whole story.
Now start!hahaha
It was a raining day...there was a girl...
who alone take bus and LRT to KLCC at 5p.m...
a brave girl =)
Btw,I love KLCC since I was 12.
I love those beautifully designed branded shop though I don't have the ability to buy...
but I believe one day in the future I can buy those LV GUCCI PRADA MIUMIU like buying toys!hahaha

To meet my cousin sister Chee Yen and her bf.
And we go for dinner.
Love Olio Pasta <3
the rice was like not enough masak and it taste good~~~
this one...emm not bad la haha
And the lemon tea,I really hate it.Not nice!but still act sweet picture with it zzzzz
Ignore my tiring messy look after so much travel of LRT and walking...

That night we went to Cheras Pasar Malam too!
still raining...sign...
Anyway the point is it was really LONG!hahaha
hope to come again for nice local food =D

Wanna give a special thank to you,Mr Pervert.hahaha
When all of them say they don't want me,they don't like me,
He is the only one who say he want me.
he will marry me.

tomorrow go Klang!
go for bed or notes?


stay tuned =)

song of the day

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