
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hustle and bustle

Donnoe what to put for the topic
just to update a lil bit so my blog won't grow spider web!hahaha

promised to update like every 3 days or more frequent but I found my life wasns't that interesting to share?

yesterday was totally a fully-used day
9-11a.m Volleyball
12.30-2p.m IA Tutorial
After that I straught away went for SWC 2nd interview.

outfit of the day
people wonder why I whore so formal to school.
Ok NOW I tell you all,
not purposely for my ME presentation but for my SWC interview because,they ask us to wear formally.
I hate the Vincci heel,it hurts!and it was so expensive!omg~
spent quite lot on my outfit.
I must earn back all or double or triple in one month time!

after interview I quickly grab some food coz I am sooooo hungry!
And rush for tutorial again.
Having presentation session.
funny max pic!XD

then having class till 7p.m.faint.

I think I do quite well,though havent reach my expectation,are't I?
give me higher marks pls,tutor><

sunshine girl lol

also from JB, rite?
shy boy.hahaha

Best friend of the day.

ok,have to get ready for class!

see you!

lighten up your day with this song ba!
Because of you(MY PRINCESS)-Beast

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