
Friday, May 27, 2011

Beautiful Life

Life turn to be really hard which makes us felt like giving up.
Actually,there are many simple wonderful things around us,is just that we only look at the bad one,therefore ignore the good one.

I have been facing many friendship problems and I found it hard to solve.
It was really an upset thing when people misunderstand me.However,people always did.
SO,what to do with those people?
Just explain,believe or not it all depends on them.

However,I do felt great because I have a gang of friends,should be many gang,they know me =)
They know I always so blur and straight in my words.
They know that I will not really hate/blame a person although I pissed off scolding.
They know I love to make people happy.

This is me.
Friends,I love you all <3

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