
Friday, May 27, 2011

College Life!

This post gonna be sooooo freaking random,be prepare k!

Let's start with a vain pic.opsss,pimple><

Donnoe is which day ady,I attend CF FRESHMAN NITE at school with Paul Kwoon
Drama =D well done oh!

*the most regret thing is I didnt take any photo of myself.That day I dressed very gracefully ok?*
And I get to know a pretty and hot senior,Sophia =)

She is really charming in her own unique style,and that day,she praised me for posses good dressing taste.
Awwwww,so sweet!

See this,cup maggie,with lappie,and Facebook chat on.

Is this familiar to you?
This is what so-called college life,although it was not healthy at all.
anyway,I just ate it when I really can't get to eat other food.
If not,I really don't encourage.
Im a health-conscious people.You see,I add an egg somemore hahaha
Hope those who eat maggi like addict to it,get vegetables and fruits instead =)

Part time work =)
Has been work as leaflet girl at Raja Chulan and Bukit Nanas these two days.
Quite tiring but im happy.
One thing I discovered is that Malaysian are actually nice.
80% of them will take my leaflet and smile/say thank you to me,even if they refused to take one.
emm,just my point of view.

I also can feel the unwillingly of those going to work.
"So sleepy!So stressed!I don't want go to work!!!"
But still the reality is,walking,walking,and go to work like going jail hahaha
Wish those working had many many good hair day! =D

Fake twins get a twins topple wear.
what I want to mention is,college student always go out tabao lunch/dinner,of course,cooking is not easy.
As I saw 99% of them never get topple wear.
Polystyrene is really un-hygiene and cancer-causing.
So,why don't get yourself a topple wear now?
It looks cool! =D

And the one and sure happening thing is,Nite Out YUMCHA!hoho

Last week donnoe which day,I had my 1st time yuncha at nite with my cute housemates!
@Old Town
also celebrating Wen Wen's bday =)
She is sooooo freaking tiny beside me,not im big,ok?!ok?!><
Btw,I like her because she is very talkative.
She once was a love-till-die girl but now change to a more braver and self-loving-more girl.
Gambatek,girl,you are great!
I miss Dessert~~~

getting new friends!
yay!As I always did and also my talent,haha
One of my new friend which I quite ngam with him =)
having same interest,I mean.
His name is Lin Yang.
I keep calling him 赶羚羊.easy rite?hahahahahaha

Love Your Skin.
I regretted that I abandoned my skincare procedure for so long.
recently,it revenge on me!OMG,pimples and large skin hole!!!

So today,after so much tiring activities,I decided to do mask!and eat plum.
Look much more refreshing! =D

supper for u.
Enjoy your college life as much as possible beside study hard.
It is wonderful!

song of the day

Sweet Dreams readers!<3

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