
Saturday, May 7, 2011

How was my life going here?

Very good.should it?
yes la...good la...have frens...go shopping...have food...have new clothes...etc...
why no good?

The only "NO GOOD" thing is I cant be with mummy TT
Happy Mothers day!
I really miss u here!!!

participated for Aint No Strawberry program at school (6/5/2011)
It was like Adjustment To College Life activity.
We got to diff group n had some games,quite fun indeed.
And then we had station game too.
Im great that I knew many frens during this program =)

below are some random game pic~

Hang out with all JB kaki at Times Square hahahaha
Keep looking at him coz I like his hair!my vege!hahaha
but I so blur coz never realize is him until they met him!><
pity boy who always kena his brothers bully n still so shy...XD
cawaii neh!!!hahahaha
Feel that we are getting I think too much?hahahaha
have some dessert ba! =)

I love you all~~~=D

I think I started to know what is secret.
Before I never have secret coz im so hyperactive n will tell my best frens every single thing of my life.
m I too silly?
But I just cant control I like to share...

now I have my secret ady.
Nobody will know but only me,myself.
Mummy,don't worry.Not a bad or dangerous thing.

Promise myself to be a most happy n cheerful girl in the world!
Nothing can beat me down.
don emo k?

see u all again!

sweet sweet dreams =)

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