
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Great Great Day

1st of all,I met Viki in Jusco.Enjoying Toast Box with mammy while waiting for my babe.

  mamy shot =)  mocha cake!

And finally my babe came!We go shop around and CHAT CHAT CHAT non-stop!haha I just cant help coz we r so~~~gossip girl!!! =P

 and suddenly both of us want to eat Tonyam of much!!!
and we HI-TEA at starbucksssssss
oh yeah my fav fav fav Green Tea! haha...coz I can't drink coffee zzzZZZ
and at night...dinner with family at one of the restaurant in Teluk Jawa.
celebrating the 7th day of CNY...LAO AH!!!
and then...karaoke session!!!woohoo
accidentally met Viki again in DA BIG MOUTH.
see?we r just so love each other!hahaha


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