
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

wake up and run fast

money: lazy bone,oi lazy bone!wake up!
Mikababy: aiyo...don disturb me dreaming la...
money: Apa Lu!!!wake up!!!u forget ur promises??!!
Mikababy: @@!!! yahor!!!
money: Get out from ur shitty useles dreams!!!are't you promises to go Korea this year?!
Mikababy: Ya!!!Thank you Money!!I will come and fetch you now!!! I am really waking up from my wonderful but money-less dreams!*Wash my face and brush my teeth*

jiang jiang~~~
This year,I am gonna be 18.YEAH!!!Sound like I am a grown up!wooohoooo.........Am I really felt great?...NO.I felt so stress to be an adult,no,I mean to grow up.I have to work/spend money study from now...I cant no more staying at home all the day watching my fav korea drama...coz I am running with time.Every single minute is important,as we say,time is gold.
So,no more useless speech.I have to get my plan ready now.

Fighting Mikababy!fight for your goal and fight for Korea!!!
and to my dear readers,fighting too!


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