
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Very Late To come...

my die-also-wont-forget's Form 5 GRADUATION TRIP !!!

we gather at the car park beside MCD at 11p.m. Then we depart at almost 11.30p.m. oh yeah! so i may just skip here coz i have no pics to show off =(
opsss i got one.donnoe we stopped where ady.i keep eating...n they ejek me TT dont blame me la i also donnoe why im so hungry that day...haha my babyboy was so speechless with me@@

the 1st destination was Genting Highland!we stopped at the "half mountain" to have our breakfast.emm...approximately 6a.m i think.

inside a MAMAK.i have milo n nasi lemak hahaha starting to feel the excited!!
Then we arrive!We are now at Genting Highlands!!!hahaha...wait...we have to put our luggage into the lobby coz we can only check in at 4p.m OMG.Therefore we spent LOT of time waiting in the lobby...

too much student liao...but girls save the time by MAKE UP in the toilet.
u have to admit the power of cosmetic!

We started to play separately after all things have settle.Of coz,i date with my babyboy=) We didnt played much at outdoor theme park though...I like gun shooting game!LIKE!!
my handsome babyboy was still playing when i finally DIE in the game.I know im lame ><
i love my red brown hair =D
We shopped around and played around and many many things that no point saying here...haha btw...
We watch 4D too.Not bad la hehe
waiting time to check in coz we are so tired...wait...wait..wait...
And it was like...FINALLY!!!We checked in our room separately at 4p.m.At first we(me,viki,michelle,zzchen)decided to sleep one...but at the end Viki n Michelle keep talking secret...Zzchen went to other's room...n me...cant tahan n slept for half an hour before going for Buffet Dinner...opss...we dint bath coz we have to play in SNOW later =)
changed my broken pants into jeans haha
opss forget the Buffet Lunch pics ahha
here you go
this one i named NEW 2NE1   XD

---skip skip skip---

"do down mountain lo~~~" after our buffet breakfast!heyheyhey so excited la u know why!!!We are now(opss...should be past tense) going to SHOPPING!!!lalala~~~the most wonderful moment for girls like ME!Anyway,before that,we had our group photo at the temple not very far away from Genting...
then we went to SUNGAI WANG 1st,ok well for me there was too chao and,NOTHING to buy.thumbs down for it...quickly looked around and we went to TIMES SQUARE,oh yeah i love it,thumbs up pls~~~ i had done collecting my CNY clothing there!!!all in there!Sure,i will show off next time heehee...
Besides,i love the sweet date we had there...after we had check in hotel and we run out again...with my baby,Viki and Tong memorable...( in my dreams...) 

---skip skip skip---

It was the SUNWAY LAGOON day...excited?emm...not really...i only excited for SUNWAY PIRAMID wahahaha coz i felt like not enough of shopping...i want buy buy buy and buy!
However,all out of my expecting...i had my MOST-ROMANTIC-TO-DIE date in SUNWAY LAGOON...and also SUNWAY PIRAMID...too much of happening...too much of joyous...i can hardly elaborate here...well...the moral of the story is...Romantic can kill cats!wahahahahaha

haha...guess where we went for sweet date?
deng deng deng deng!!


his =) donnoe what name haha

and this
love like this~

The last dayTT going back and stop at Malacca for shopping...AGAIN.faint.Had our first time romantic runing in the rain hahaha
How much i hope time can stop and we will never go back...haizzzzzzz
Bye Bye my frens...see you all again!must!miss u all crazily lar...miss KL...miss HOTEL...miss dessert...miss shopping...miss everything...and miss my babyboy...


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