
Thursday, September 1, 2011

useless holiday post

#terbalik 1
It is 5.15am now actually...
You wonder why the hell I don't sleep at this Golden Time but...blogging??!!

I want too but I can't...
At TBS now...waiting for the 6am LRT.
In order to fully use my time as the saying goes time is gold,I decided to blog!

First time ate Tang Shi Fu in my life...*what a suagu*


#terbalik 2

the stupid blogger automatically terbalik my photo ><
like that more pretty is it?!

and just some random outing with friends...
Recently I was quite good girl because I slept early because home got no internet!
So during the day I hide in MCD or OldTown to borrow their wifi =X
*Praying hard nobody noticed me but failed,maybe I was too famous? XD*
Recommendation *** frizzing red bean

And sth happened,
I was initially sitting alone at a corner before a gang of uncle come in and sit beside my table.
Ok well that is no big deal when a frined?(coz I don't really know who he is) of mine whom was the waiter told me
"Hey Ming Zhen,there was a people keep looking at you!"
I was like where?where?where?
I could't see one after some time and I saw it.
just order a plain water and sit there turn over his disgusting head keep stalking me!!!

And I quickly ask my hero come!
he is my good good OLD friend JunXiong =)
We leave and went to Sushi King,afternoon tea la haha
I really appreciate this friend much.
We had knew each other since we are still 10 or sth.
We don't get awkward even though we only meet not more then 5 time a year!!!
BFF yea!
#terbalik 3
haiz...I just want to say,we eat very less but drink a lot!
You know why?Coz we scare we have to cuci pinggan there when we satisfied eating!

ok la,not much to blog ady!

I wanna take many many photos but my mummy,quite shy to shoot for me ==
I wish I have a sister or brother that can always travel with me...

Stay Tuned!


click advert before you X my page ya!thx!

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