
Saturday, September 17, 2011

blogging dilemma

Hey guys!sorry for the super late update!
I am finally free today but I can hardly blog about my holidays...
you know why? I lost my camera cable!#&%#^!%#@^! *scolding myself for being so careless AGAIN*

So,currently facing blogging dilemma due to lack of photos...
Ok,I had a memorable Genting Trip with my gang,hehe
YEA! depart now~~~
my dear you are so tall and slim ><
after the bus,we used cable car.
And there are a cable car parody.wahahaha might share with you all next time!

Brunch-bak ku teh~~~

we are so excited with the cold wind and strong fog!hehehehe
Then we had fun with the games =D
 my fav game-CAR RACING! <3
The boys went back their hotel for gambling while the girls went for some shopping~~~
btw,only me bought a dress ==
after shopping~Reward ourself with Gelatomio^^
and finally...die on the bed hahahaha

In the night,
had buffet for the 1st night.
I knew I ate damn lotttttt. XD *elephant stomach*

have fun after the meal~

After that,enjoy music band in donnoe-what-name bar.
Play around with the camera while the boys are drinking and the music band is performing =)

with Amelia.

my frens,I love you all !!! hahaha is true la~~~
And now I had no story to tell,suddenly out of mind @@
I know this is a bored-to-max post!
hahahahaha,will try blog sth interesting la *struggling*

Bai Bai~~~

song of the day

bai bai~~~

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