
Monday, September 5, 2011

Mika tries to blog...

I am your orange princess! <3

Trying to blog so bloody hard in MCD,damn noisy environment...sigh

Anyway!Just by thinking of you guys I can blog without complaining...=D
For your knowledge,I went KL with mummy last Thursday night from JB,by bus.
We reached TBS at 3 sth==
mummy sleep while I online to wait till 6am,LRT!
after that went back PV5 rest and get ready for our big shopping day!!!
two packages as breakfast cooked by mummy,I know it was not healthy at all XD

After whole day of
and finally I got these <3 XD
* Forever 21 orange dress
* Vincci black cool bag
* Vincci earrings
* Chamelon necklace

And the next day!
Attending my far cousin's wedding dinner at Palace of Golden Horse

The bridegroom and the bride walking in.
They are so sweet. *see the extremely HIGH wedding cake on right hand side @@*

I know you are waiting for the dishes,here you go! =D

No time now,have to go meeting!
So,just some random picha for you all!
The baby is so cute and obedient!!! love max!
Last but not least,
your dessert!

I will held a giveaway contest soon!
stay tuned k?

click  on the advert on right before you X my page,thankiuuuuu

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