
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hello people!do you miss me?*I know nobody did*HAHAHA
I am back to my blog,like finally...
Actually I don't know what to blog,my life is kinda.................random...
Paparich has came to our college!
And I am loving it *announced bankrupcy*
Red Bean is my NO.1 loved <3 as it is cheaper than Old Town,hehehe
NO,not that I am big,is ANGLE PROBLEM kkkkkk
Everyday I am PAPARICH~~~
and also study.I scare already =( Hope that whatever I did can be balanced and controlled.

More updates!
Good Luck!


Monday, September 19, 2011

alert for terbalik photos!

(errr,I know,this is...werid ==)
I was supposed to be in my sweet sweet dreams now but...
I wake up and blog!!!
*a round of applause for me pls* HAHAHA

switch on pop and hot song and start blogging!
Well, I wanna blog habis all the holidays stuff in this post!hehehe

Had wonderful Hi-tea time with mummy =) Treat her la,so long time didnt meet,hehehe
my fav of all ~~~ <3
and the love.
and met with them! I love them! TEEHEE

fat lady here.
and food. (I wont tell you which shop coz I don want to ruin its name ><)
ok ok sahaje coz it is very mahal!
errrr, I like salmon the most but not this one =(

this one better,hahaha Olio and prawn is loved =D
However,still very thankful coz we have the ability to earn money to buy food =)

I worked too.
with nice and cute colleague =D

Moreover, YME @ PWTC!
hahaha,don scared by the diagram on the screen.Not anything weird,it is about this!
Understand? This is the fact.
And the super amazing guest speaker from Thailand!!!
you can go to facebook to look for their lifestyle,travel here and there.

1. Nuch Samornsri ( Nuch Joe)
2. Naruss Mahakkapong (Bob Joe)
3. Ninoy Mungkalarungsi (their downline)

and this is their team.
All under 30 except for 3/4 people.
GREAT right?AWESOME right?
Imagine you are one of the leaders,in your team,there are model,director,doctor,teacher,technician,student or any other great people!
This is called life!!!

They are really great,they enlighten young people's dream.
I wanna create my team too,making a difference! *wink*

bonus pic(Genting)

Last but not least,
song of the day


Saturday, September 17, 2011

blogging dilemma

Hey guys!sorry for the super late update!
I am finally free today but I can hardly blog about my holidays...
you know why? I lost my camera cable!#&%#^!%#@^! *scolding myself for being so careless AGAIN*

So,currently facing blogging dilemma due to lack of photos...
Ok,I had a memorable Genting Trip with my gang,hehe
YEA! depart now~~~
my dear you are so tall and slim ><
after the bus,we used cable car.
And there are a cable car parody.wahahaha might share with you all next time!

Brunch-bak ku teh~~~

we are so excited with the cold wind and strong fog!hehehehe
Then we had fun with the games =D
 my fav game-CAR RACING! <3
The boys went back their hotel for gambling while the girls went for some shopping~~~
btw,only me bought a dress ==
after shopping~Reward ourself with Gelatomio^^
and finally...die on the bed hahahaha

In the night,
had buffet for the 1st night.
I knew I ate damn lotttttt. XD *elephant stomach*

have fun after the meal~

After that,enjoy music band in donnoe-what-name bar.
Play around with the camera while the boys are drinking and the music band is performing =)

with Amelia.

my frens,I love you all !!! hahaha is true la~~~
And now I had no story to tell,suddenly out of mind @@
I know this is a bored-to-max post!
hahahahaha,will try blog sth interesting la *struggling*

Bai Bai~~~

song of the day

bai bai~~~