
Monday, April 25, 2011

murmuring of myself...

Had been facing some unreasonable people and situation unlucky!Should get some flower to bath with emm emm...
Well,actually i should felt great to have experiencing these annoying people and situation because it makes me grow up more!oh yeah!
What I want to say is,gangster.Why we call them gangster,or Ahbeng normally I called.They are just soooooooo cheap and rude.No gentleman.No manners.No brain.

OK,if you feel like beating me up now,
it means you admit you are my so-called ahbeng,
or you feel annoying you can just close my page and never come again.thanks.
Q:how to recognised an ahbeng?
A:ya,it is very easy.they normally have tattoo,outdated hairstyle(bright or colourful),outdated fashoin sense,smoking and especially talking rude.

They just wanna beat people or scold people when they felt angry.They can't accept people's thought because they only think that they are the BEST(wtf should be WORST)
People-with-brain will never ARGUE or fight with people but they will think by themself.
In addition,they like to say rude language.Why?I really dont know.I only know that with those ugly sentence,you showed that you never respect others,so how can others respect you too?
Btw,here is a joke for you all.
If you had have gangster frens you will definitely know that,if there is a gathering and one of your frens is absent,the rest will make joke or talking bad of the unlucky one for sure.So,do you dare not to come for the gathering?Definitely NOT!because we are afraid to be the unlucky one!So,this is so-called brothers/real frens?So foolish.
Somemore,they never talk for their future or dreams but A SHIT OF RUBBISH.

Now they are enjoying their meaningless life,after 10 years,still the same,or even more.Regret can get anything back.*singing IS TOO LATE TO APOLOGISE*

Let's jump to the next subtopic.

Since I attend meeting for so long,I really X100000000000 learnt a lot which school teachers never taught.
I,myself an arrogant girl,I admit and I had changed a lot.I realized the important to make good relationship with others no matter they are old or young.
The things is,as we IBO,should be more and more and more respecting people especially our upline.They just like our teachers.Well,I cant tolerance with those who dont love and respect their upline.Because I really love mine!<3

Soon I will leave my home Sour home...
OMG sound pity rite?
Though the house is big and comfy,but my heart is empty and uncomfortable.What to do?this is not my real house.
I admit that I hate doing household chores!!!and living under others is so suffering and suffocating.Im just too much here and I do know it.
I wish to live my life in KL with my own style...emm emm
well,just one more week,bear with it k!



PS:Sorry for the laziness of updating.Im a phail blogger TT

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