
Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't worry,STAY PRETTY,You'll happy

Had my interview session ysd,wish I will be selected *crossing fingers*

Seriously,I am a normal girl,just like every girl out there.
I will upset too when I saw him,coz I can do nothing.
Unlike examination,we can study hard to get excellent result ; Unlike being fat,we can diet and exercise and control meal to slim down; Unlike being poor, we can work hard to earn money...
This is just not the same =)

I can't betray my cheerful and optimistic image right!
I have so much good friends here,sayang me and treat me so good,sincerely thankful!<3

outfit of the day.

noob pose.
while waiting for the food! *hungry hungry*
wow! ramen feast! wahahaha

hi-tea! my very 1st time of Chatime (I know I am so LAME~~~) XD

Thank you again yo Brian ^^

oh yea,that day I went Solaris Mont Kiara,my very 1st time too.HAHAHA
marble cheese say if new york cheese want eat fat fat de cheese can find him.HAHAHA
I rmb that!

And my very funny and naught and cute and sweet and cool classmates! =D
take care ya Sam^^ all da best for your future!

we thought we are big star.HAHAHA

yes!we can do it!
as I say I wanna update a giveaway post,but please hit 10000 visitors!HEHEHE

coming post
and more!

heading for homework now...I never did any of it OMG...busy week ahead...
Fighting Fighting!!!
(Closing Facebook pls)

song of the day

Please take note that I am a Amway IBO,so if you guys have any questions regarding health,diet,skin care,beauty or even home care,just drop me a msg or msg me at FB!thankiu!


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