
Sunday, April 8, 2012

1) 没精神,肥胖/消瘦,学习能力差,癌症,胆结石,骨质疏松,心脏病,样貌衰老,女人变丑,男人变懒
-B complex
-Bio C plus

2) 工作/读书效率差,脸色难看
-B complex
-omega 3

3) 牙周病,口臭,提抗力弱
-Bio C plus
-Glister Mouth wash
-Glister toothpaste 

-b complex

5) 胃痛发作就很会很痛苦!其实能解决的,而且绝对有效
-vitamin A

6) 患子宫癌的几率比别人多70%! 生孕问题 还有每个月会很痛咯
-vitamin A
-EPO plus 

7) 身体缺乏蛋白质 细胞死掉快过细胞修复 增加患癌症机率
-Omega 3

8) 肯定患肾病,洗肾,提抗力弱
-Bio C plus
-B complex

9 & 10) 请联络我 0167986305
1) 你常不吃早餐吗?(早上7-9点)
yes no

2) 你是否容易疲累?(上课/上班无法集中精神)
yes no

3) 你刷牙时会不会牙龈出血?
yes no

4) 你有便秘吗?(2天或以上才排便)
yes no

5) 你有胃痛吗?
yes no

6) (女性)你有经痛问题吗?
yes no

7) 你掉头发/指甲易断裂吗?
yes no

8) 你有长期服药吗?(panadol也算)
yes no

9) 你有什么特别的健康问题吗?(贫血/偏头痛/荷尔蒙失调/敏感/高血压/高胆固醇/心脏病/糖尿病/肥胖等等)

10) 你想让自己更健康更美丽更帅气/预防各种疾病吗?
yes no

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

busy bun is back!

Hello lengzai lenglui!
mikababy had been disappeared for soooooo long!
sorry for that ya,I can hardly breath also,too much things to do!><
12/10/2011 SWC photo shooting day
all of us are Finalist coordinator =)

Today 19/10/2011
with good friends, hey, rmb eat C ok?If not the rain defeat us!


Today is a great Wednesday,as I can say =)
anyway,sleep now!
Good Luck for my presentation tomorrow!and his presentation too!

moving up
Perfection <3

song of the day

Nite and Bye!